
Final Few 'Rainbow Cinderella' Tickets Will Sell Quickly

Senior School Drama

'Rainbow Cinderella' - booked for Friday 17th February EDM 7pm - promises to be a sell out charity show.

We are very much looking forward to a fantastic evening of music and drama, directed by former Head of English Mr Ian Appleby with plentiful support from current Head of History Mrs Helen Skilton; the evening, of course, will help fundraise for our South African partner school Harrismith Secondary.

The production will replicate the show directed at Harrismith Secondary School by Mr Appleby in the summer of 2015, but Bablake's version will also raise awareness of the partnership between both schools with a short presentation about Harrismith before the performance of 'Rainbow Cinderella'.

We expect the final few tickets - £5 via Mrs Helen Billings (Assistant Head of Sixth Form) -will sell fast.


Ticket designed by Miss Alexandria Hingley.

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