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Spring and Summer Terms 2025

Following confirmation of the government change to legislation which requires us to add VAT to tuition fees from 1 January 2025, the fees below apply for the Spring and Summer terms of the 2024/25 academic year.

Coventry School Foundation has discounted the base fee in order to support our parents in the introduction of this policy, so that after VAT has been added to the fee, the net increase to parents is partially alleviated. These new fees, together with the discount and VAT, are shown below.

Nursery fees, which are not subject to VAT, will remain the same.

Age groupFees payable to schoolVAT per termTotal fees payable including VAT per term
NurserySee Nursery fees below. n/an/a
Pre-Prep (Reception – Year 2)£3,563£712£4,275
(age 7-11)
Senior and Sixth Form
(age 11-18)

All 3 and 4 year olds are eligible to receive up to 15 hours per week of government-funded childcare, up to a maximum of 570 hours per year. This funding is available from the start of the term following your child’s 3rd birthday.

  • Funded sessions run every morning between 8.30am – 11.30am. Your child is expected to attend every day.
  • Additional sessions including Midday session (11.30am – 1.00pm including lunch) and Afternoon session (1.00pm – 3.30pm)

Minimum Attendance at Little Explorers:

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
5 morning sessions (funded) plus 3 additional charged sessions 5 morning sessions (funded) plus 5 additional charged sessions 5 morning sessions (funded) plus 6 additional charged sessions

Sessions and Fees for 2024/25

Days Morning session

8.30am – 11.30am


Midday session

11.30am – 1.00pm including lunch

Afternoon session

1.00pm – 3:30pm

Monday Funded hours £299 per term £299 per term
Tuesday Funded hours £299 per term £299 per term
Wednesday Funded hours £299 per term £299 per term
Thursday Funded hours £299 per term £299 per term
Friday Funded hours £299 per term £299 per term

Wraparound care is available 7.45am – 8.30am and 3.30pm – 6.00pm charged at £3 per 30 minutes.

Examples of charges (based on 2024/25 fees):

The charge for a child attending only the 5 compulsory morning sessions (covered by the free entitlement) and the minimum additional charge sessions are:

  • Autumn Term: £897 per term (with 3 additional charged sessions)
  • Spring Term: £1,495 per term (with 5 additional charged sessions)
  • Summer Term: £1,794 per term (6 additional charged sessions)

The charge for attending full-time (ie 5 compulsory morning sessions and 10 additional charged sessions) will be £2,990 per term.

For more information, please download our Nursery Funding Leaflet.

For enquiries please contact Kelly Harrison, Admissions Registrar on 024 7627 1190 or admissions@csfoundation.org.uk

Application Fee: There is an Application fee of £90 incl VAT which needs to be submitted with the Application form.

Acceptance Fee: An Acceptance fee of £540 inc VAT, together with signing the Parent Contract, confirms your approval and agreement to be legally bound by the Parent Contract.

Music: Individual instrumental Music lessons are £17-£20 per half hour lesson.

Meals: Cashless catering is currently used for purchasing food in the School dining room. Pupils may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Educational visits: Parents are expected to contribute to or pay for various educational visits arranged by the School. A subsidy is provided for those who would not otherwise be able to benefit from these visits.

Examination Charges: Public examinations, namely GCSE exams at the end of Year 11 and A Levels at the end of Year 13, are included in the tuition fees for those pupils sitting the exams in 2024/25. From September 2025, exam fees will be billed separately.

Minibus Charges: Minibus charges vary depending on the distance from School and the number of times per week you use the service. Further details can be obtained from the Transport Manager: tm@csfoundation.org.uk

Coventry School Foundation awards sibling discount if you have three or more children in Foundation Schools.

If a pupil is in receipt of a bursary award that pupil will not receive the sibling discount. The award is 3% per child for three pupils, 4% per child for four pupils, etc.

Many of our parents take advantage of the arrangement with School Fee Plan (SFP) who administer a monthly direct debit collection scheme. The service allows you to spread the cost of your school fees over 10 months.

To apply online please click here.

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