Scholarships and bursaries | Bablake School

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Scholarships and bursaries

Scholarship awards are based on academic performance. A bursary is means-tested and based on financial need, your child’s performance in our entrance exam, an interview and the report received from your child’s current school.

We offer Bursaries, Academic, Music and Art scholarships at 11+/Year 7 entry. Academic, Art, Performing Arts and Sports scholarships are available for Sixth Form entry. These are open to both current students and applications from outside Bablake.

Please contact our friendly Admissions team on 024 7627 1248 or for information on how to apply for a scholarship or bursary.

Sixth form scholarships

11+/Year 7 entry

We offer Academic, Music and Art Scholarships at Year 7 entry only. All prospective
pupils wishing to be considered for a scholarship have to sit the entrance examination.

Prospective pupils applying for entry to Year 7 will be automatically considered for an Academic Scholarship when taking the Entrance Examination.

Please note you do not need to apply for an Academic Scholarship. The award of an Academic Scholarship will be based on the pupil’s performance in the examinations and at interview with the Headmaster.

Awards are given for instrumental or vocal accomplishment alone, but prospective pupils must reach the minimum academic standard to qualify for admission to our school. We expect applicants to have attained or be working towards a standard of Grade 4 ABRSM or equivalent on at least one instrument, normally an orchestral instrument.

Alongside their application we will also require a short letter as well as a brief reference from the applicant’s current Music teacher outlining their commitment to school music activities.

A shortlist of applicants will be invited to an interview/audition in which they will be encouraged to talk generally about their musical experience and aspirations, and to demonstrate knowledge of rudiments as well as evidence of widening interests.

Pupils wishing to be considered for an Art Scholarship will need to show natural ability and be enthusiastic individuals who make the subject part of not only their school life but also their free time.

Applicants are asked to submit a portfolio of recent work and should bring this to the School on the day of the Entrance Exam. A shortlist of applicants will be invited to take part in an observed drawing exercise and a short interview with their portfolio of work. Inclusion on the shortlist will be dependent upon the necessary academic standards being met in the Entrance Exam

Sixth form scholarships

Sixth Form Scholarships

A number of Academic, Art, Performing Arts and Sports scholarships are available for Sixth Form entry. These are open to both current students and applications from outside Bablake.

For the Academic Scholarship, an applicant should be capable of achieving, and be predicted by his/her school to achieve 9/8 grades in all the subjects at GCSE that are chosen for A level. Scholars will almost without exception gain a majority of 9/8 grades in their GCSE subjects.

Those applying for an Academic Scholarship will also sit a written test and be interviewed.

Students wishing to be considered for an Art Scholarship will need to show considerable natural ability and will have begun to reach high standards of proficiency in their creative work in terms of technique, development of ideas and their understanding of the subject.

We will be looking for enthusiastic individuals who make the subject a major part of not only their school life but also their free time, and are able to respond to the creative possibilities of the subject.

Applicants are asked to submit a portfolio of recent work.

For the Performing Arts Scholarship, an applicant should have a specialism in Music, Drama or a combination of both. They must be able to demonstrate performance skills equivalent to Grade 6 on an instrument, in musical theatre or in acting. The applicant should also be able to demonstrate significant exposure and experience in performance, as well as an enthusiasm to be involved in all aspects of the Performing Arts at Bablake.

Students interested in applying for a Performing Arts Scholarship will need to send a letter to the Headmaster, with information about instruments played, grades achieved and orchestral/choral involvement or evidence of performance in musical theatre or in acting.

For the Sports Scholarship, an applicant should be achieving a high level of performance, County level or equivalent in any major sport offered by the School, and should also demonstrate leadership qualities and acommitment to school sport.

Students who would like to apply for a Sports Scholarship will need to send a letter to the Headmaster which should include their sporting achievements, leadership credentials, co-curricular activities, GCSE subjects being studied and intended A Level choices.

Bablake School - Scholarships and bursaries


Bursaries are means-tested and are awarded based on financial need, your child’s performance in our entrance exam, an interview and the report received from your child’s current school.

They are offered to pupils whose parents can contribute to fees, but who are unable to meet the full fees. Parents are required to submit financial details annually to show income and expenditure.

Bursaries may be combined with scholarships. Your household gross income should not exceed £65,000 but please refer to our application form for full details or contact our Admissions team who will be happy to talk through the information required with you.


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