House Drama Success - Bablake School

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House Drama Success

June 20, 2024

House Drama was a great success this term. A pupil-led activity run by Sixth Form prefects, this year’s scripts were traditional versions of Snow White and Cinderella.

House Drama Success

Prefects held auditions, allocated roles and ran rehearsals in their own time for a short 15 minute performance during assembly.

Bayley was the first house to showcase their talents with a modern rendition of Snow White. They imaginatively had the seven dwarves on a piece of string and Amar, their narrator did an excellent job of doing the voices for each one.

Then Fairfax did their version of Snow White, using the same script they made it their own with elaborate costumes and an imaginative way of representing the mirror; Lyla wore a reflective mask.

Later in the week it was Crow’s performance of Cinderella featuring Oscar wearing a dress in the role of the step mother. The Prince played by Jude, and Ellen, playing the role of Cinderella performed a great dance routine during both of the Ball scenes.

The week was rounded off with Wheatley performing their version of Cinderella, set in the 1980s with 80s costume, language and music. Wheatley were fortunate to have a larger cast than the other houses and were able to double up on narrators providing lots of interest in their performance.  They also featured a dramatic scene where the ugly sisters bullied Cinderella, not surprisingly we saw Cinderella turn her back on her sisters when she married the Prince.

Everyone involved in the productions was fantastic and a special thank you to the house prefects for their hard work and dedication, without them this event wouldn’t have been so successful.

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