Sixth Form - Outside the classroom | Bablake

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Outside the classroom

We encourage students to participate in life outside the classroom and get involved in a huge amount of co-curricular activities, from representing the School in Sport and Music to performing on stage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Our enrichment activities inspire students to explore possibilities and pursuits beyond the curriculum. We feel that the lessons they learn whilst experiencing these activities are as powerful as the lessons learnt inside the classroom.

Students in the Sixth Form are also encouraged to instigate co-curricular opportunities to demonstrate and develop leadership skills. Their knowledge is further enhanced by a weekly enrichment, wellbeing and personal development lesson.


Enriching the lives of our students

All students take part in the rich co-curricular life of the School, developing skills which will mould them for life – whether in sport, music, drama or the numerous other activities offered.

From F1 in Schools to Debating, Young Enterprise to Inc. Society, there is something for everyone.

Bablake Music
Outside the classroom


Supporting the community

Students are encouraged to undertake some form of service and/or fundraising activity, either in the School or wider community.

They can do this through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme or another relevant activity, including organised community service.


Building Character Through Sport

There is a sports co-curricular programme for Sixth Form with clubs and practices taking place in lunchtimes and after school. The majority of students opt for a Games option on a Wednesday afternoon.

Matches in rugby, netball and hockey take place regularly in the Autumn and Spring Terms, whilst there is an opportunity to represent the School in athletics and to play inter-school tennis, cricket and rounders fixtures in the Summer Term.

Outside the classroom - Cricket
Outside the classroom


Preparing students for the future

Our Life Choices programme seeks to enable students to develop into informed, independent, caring individuals so that they may fulfil their potential personally, socially, spiritually and intellectually.

We work towards preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in the 21st Century.

Some of the areas covered by the Life Choices programme include healthy coping strategies, mental and emotional health, young driver awareness, everyday law, relationships and sex education, drug and alcohol awareness, managing finances and much more.

Beyond Bablake Enrichment Programme

Beyond Bablake is a unique enrichment programme designed to provide our Sixth Form students with skills and experience beyond their academic studies.

Programme aims:

Delivered through weekly sessions, the programme aims include:

  • Preparing students for their next steps in life, be it in higher education or in work.
  • Broadcasting awareness of the lives of others politically, socially, culturally or personally.
  • Developing skills and supporting students in fostering new talents and interests.

Lower Sixth

Lower Sixth students benefit from weekly enrichment sessions, including:

  • Lectures from guest speakers to gain insight into their life ‘Beyond Bablake’
  • Enrichment sessions covering the following strands:
    • Future Proofing: Research Skills, Study Skills, Financial Affairs
    • Perspectives: Debating Skills, Voice Coaching, The Apprentice
    • Wellbeing: Wellbeing for You, The Examined Life, First Aid training

In addition there are frequent activities to encourage teamwork and collaboration.

Upper Sixth

Students have a weekly enrichment lesson on a Friday afternoon. The offering is broad and varies each year but may include:

  • Woodland Conservation
  • British Sign Language
  • Medics’ Preparation
  • Survival Cookery
  • Politics
  • Mural Workshop
  • Performance
  • Jewellery Making
  • Music Technology

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