Thirteen Giant Leaps for the British Heart Foundation - Bablake School

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Thirteen Giant Leaps for the British Heart Foundation

December 18, 2023

Andrew Wright, Headmaster at Bablake was joined by two members of staff and ten pupils in the daring abseil down the front entrance of the historic Bablake School yesterday.

Extraordinary exam success at Bablake

Jo MacGibbon, Head of Geography and in-house climbing expert Mr Tyas, Head of Maths, first ran the successful event back in 2015, and decided to give the next generation of pupils the opportunity to rise to this heart stopping challenge.

Pupils were chosen through a charity raffle, one pupil per year. The Headmaster agreed to be roped in if £200 was raised by the pupils. This amount was doubled, and the event raised over £400 for British Heart Foundation, an important charity to many staff and pupils here at Bablake.

Congratulations to the brave participants and to the Bablake community for cheering everybody on!

For information on the British Heart Foundation, please visit

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