
Meet The Leaders- (1) School Captains


As has been the vogue for a couple of years now, Headmaster Mr John Watson has appointed a team of four pupils from the Senior Prefect body to act as School Captains and Vice Captains for 2014-15.

Head Boy is Bradley Pinkham, while Keisha Simms has been appointed Head Girl. Both have stood out as leaders in the classroom and outside, impressing their peers and the Bablake Staff. Brad and Keisha have already acted as ambassadors for the school at a number of functions and are enjoying their year 'in office'.

Tomorrow we will introduce you to our new Vice Captains, then later in the week the 6th form pupils who have been selected as House Captains for 2014-15. The full Senior Prefect team and our current Senior Captains for our major sports will also be introduced early next month.

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