
Headmaster's Bulletin (30)


When our Fifth Formers first compose a curriculum vitae they are often amazed by just how much they have achieved in a relatively short span of years!

We are very proud of our pupils, whose self-confidence tends to grow naturally, without spilling over into arrogance – and there can be a fine line between the two! However, I agree with Mr Woodward, Head of Careers, when he says that they are not always good at selling themselves.

Our mock interview morning on Saturday provided some excellent experience for our Upper Sixth, who impressed the interviewers and also emerged with some very sound advice. We encourage our pupils to identify, develop and articulate their strengths – but without appearing boastful. Most of us probably know people who are boastful without necessarily having much to be boastful about – and we quickly see through such superficiality!

If we have any humility, most of us also are prone sometimes to self-doubt. We know that more than grades and accolades are needed for success and fulfilment in life and in the workplace. Our pupils score very highly in interpersonal skills and, together with you, we should continue to nurture their self-belief.

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