
Sixth Formers Complete Kenilworth Half Marathon For Macmillan

Sixth Form Charity

We are so proud of a team of Sixth Form pupils that, independently, has now raised over £3000 for Macmillan after completing the recent Kenilworth Half Marathon.

Senior prefect Nick Payne, along with school captain Tom Betts and prefect Liam Meechan, still have hopes of reaching a new target of £3500 as they have already raised £3100.

Proud mother Mrs Dana Payne said: 'They were absolutely  amazing. Tom was first home in 1 hour 33 minutes and 9 seconds, Nick second in 1.34.24 and Liam close on their heels in 1.35.38. They ran their hearts out, did incredibly well and beat many club runners.'

Former pupil Helen Knight and a Bablake Runners team also completed the race in impressive times.

After this exertion, you would expect Nick and his friends would have had an afternoon of rest! Far from it as Nick and Tom then joined fellow Sixth Formers Harvey Burke and Ross Parnell to play cricket for Bedworth U17 in the Warwickshire cup final. It was a successful afternoon as Bedworth won the cup!

Photo submitted by Mrs Payne.

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