
The 2014- 15 House Trophy Goes To...

Senior School House Events


Not only will many former pupils loyal to Bayley be pleased, but former House Heads - Mrs Lynda Jackson (RS), Mr Jeremy Hobday (Physics and Year Head) and Mr Terry Patchett (Astro Bookings) - will also be delighted that success has finally arrived.

Head of Bayley and Biology teacher Mrs Lynsey Lawrence (formerly Miss Cheffings), who has taken just two years to plan the capture of the House Trophy said: 'I am delighted we have won the overall trophy this year and it is wonderful to see the commitment and loyalty of all members of Bayley rewarded.'

Mrs Lawrence, who will become Head of Shells in September and therefore step down from her House Head post added: 'I am sure Bayley will go from strength to strength. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Clive Mohamed (Biology and Deputy House Head) for all of his excellent support; I wish him and new Head of Bayley Miss Rachel Young (Biology) all the best for the future.'

We are sure all pupils in Bayley will be very keen to retain the trophy in 2015- 16, but they will be challenged every step of the way by our other three Houses: Crow, Fairfax and Wheatley. This year Fairfax and Wheatley came joint second.

House competitions are open to all year groups and include a fine range of academic, creative, cultural and sporting contests across the academic year.


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