
Mr Wilson Celebrates 25 Years' Service To Bablake

Senior School Staff

Many congratulations to Mr Bruce Wilson (Boys' PE) on 25 years' service to Bablake.

New Chair of Governors Mrs Julia McNaney, marked Mr Wilson's dedication to the school in the Staff Common Room earlier this week, while former pupils who learnt of the occasion via our Alumni Facebook group have been swift to show loyalty to a member of staff whose respect over the years has been earned via athletic determination and prowess.

Former pupils were quick to praise Mr Wilson's rugby coaching in particular. Richard East wrote: 'A visionary! Coaching fly halves to stand flat in attack in the early 90s.' Many still hold fond memories of the rugby tours Mr Wilson has accompanied and Ben Weaver, now a coach at King Edward's Birmingham and Worcester Warriors, confessed to using a few of the inspirational quotations heard on our playing fields for his own teaching.

While Mr Wilson's quips may have been as sharp as the javelins he has warned every PE class about, you can be certain that few of his pupils will have forgotten their kit for a games lesson and been excused! Many pupils have appreciated his care as a form tutor as well as his wisdom imparted in rugby, cricket and athletics.

We leave the final tribute to Scotland U20 rugby international Ben Cooper, who says he owes so much to Mr Wilson and recalls the following maxim: 'If you're tired during rugby, you can see the posts. If you're tired during football, you can see the goal. If you tire during water polo, you will DIE!'

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