
Morgan Motor Company Impresses Bablake DT Pupils

Sixth Form Design Technology

During half term, as well as joining the 'Bablake Twitterati' with a keenly awaited department feed, the Design Technology department (@BablakeDT) arranged for a group of eager L6th and U6th DT pupils to take time out from their busy revision schedules and spend a fascinating morning touring the Morgan Motor Company factory in Malvern.

The tour started with tea and cakes for the staff, while pupils tried to guess which members of staff have either owned a Morgan or currently possess access to one in their family. Having quickly guessed which member of staff has access to a family one, it was time to start the factory tour under the supervision of the excellent guide.

Opinions were soon polarised over who would like to own a Morgan sports car and then which model. Most chose the racy three wheeler, while one 'modern' pupil referred to them as ‘an old man’s car', preferring to stick with his Vauxhall Corsa.

The visit took the group through all stages of production and it was amazing just how much access was given to the cars in production and how much freedom to take the opportunity to chat with workers. After two hours touring the various production areas, the visit concluded in the museum and shop, where two of our U6th just managed to resist buying flying jackets and settled for badges instead.

Head of Design Technology Mr Chris West said: ‘The tour provided an outstanding opportunity to see the various processes of hand-building a car and served as a great contrast to mass production methods seen in other car plants. Pupils could easily relate the techniques seen to their revision work and hopefully will make use of the knowledge gained in their forthcoming examinations.’

Photography by Mr Chahal (IT Technician).

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