
Exceptional Talent- (4) Clare Jackson (Karate)

Senior School Sport

This week we have featured some of our impressive individual pupils whose exceptional sporting ability has already made a mark at international level.

This summer, Clare Jackson received the news of international selection which meant that at the start of July, she would be part of the England Juniors team chosen to compete in the Go-Kan-Ryu (GKR) Karate World Cup.

Clare sent this report on her progress to her form tutor, Mrs Helen Billings (Head of German), saying: 'In team kumite (fighting), I drew with a black belt from the team which came fourth overall. In the singles competition, I scored 8.4, 8.3 and 8.3 for my kata (movements), which was very close to my personal best, while, in kumite I scored half a point before losing to an opponent who was eventually placed in the final six.'

We are sorry for Clare that she did not win a medal, however we are certain she enjoyed her experience. Her performance was inspirational and we are very proud of her achievements.

Photography submitted.



  • To find out more about GKR Karate, please click here.

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