
Meeting The New Staff: (4) Mrs Rosie Bilsland (Spanish)

Archive Archive

Continuing the 'behind the scenes' interviews with staff who joined Bablake in 2012-13, today our current Wheatleyan editor and aspiring journalist Katie Carlson turns to Mrs Rosie Bilsland, who joined the Spanish department.

Katie's interview began with the quick questions!

1. Tea or Coffee? Tea, if I am at home, but it would be coffee, if I am at Starbucks or similar!
2. Dogs or Cats? Cats.
3. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook!
4. Reality Show or TV Drama? Drama.
5. UK or Abroad? Abroad!
6. Hockey or Netball? Hockey.
7. Football or Rugby? Neither really, but, if pushed for an answer, it would be football.
8. Fan of Kate Middleton or Cheryl Cole? Kate Middleton.
9. Book or Film? Both!
10. 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings'? Harry Potter.
11. Home-cooking or Takeaway? Home-cooking.
12. Classical music or Modern music? I'm not sure! I probably dislike more Modern music than Classical.

Katie then continued the interview with a few broader questions.

Where did you go to school?
Twyford Church of England School in Ealing.

What was the most important or useful thing you learnt there?
To believe in myself and others, and that anything is possible, if you believe it.

Where did you go to university?
I went to the University of Bradford for my degree and then studied for my PGCE at the University of Warwick.

Please tell us briefly about your role at Bablake?

I teach Spanish in the main, but also some French.

Will you be involved with any extra-curricular activities?

I hope so. I am trying to set up links with schools in Spain, France and Germany that will form part of a bigger project. I like taking pupils on trips so that they can experience the culture of the countries whose languages they are leaning.

Now tell us one interesting thing about yourself.
I can fence, but haven't done so for years.

And finally do you have any hidden talents, a party piece maybe…?
In my free time, I bake and sell cakes.

We have heard from reputable sources that these cakes are excellent and in fact, Mrs Bilsland has had one of them featured in a baking magazine.

We thank Katie for conducting this interview, and give notice that tomorrow we will publish the final interview in our series for the new staff team members for 2012-13.

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