
Meeting The New Staff: (5) Miss Hannah Moseley (Girls' PE)

Archive Archive

Continuing the 'behind the scenes' interviews with staff who joined Bablake in 2012-13, today current Wheatleyan editor and aspiring journalist Katie Carlson turns to Miss Hannah Moseley, who joined the Girls' PE department last September.

Katie's interview began, as always, with the quick questions!

1. Tea or Coffee? Tea.
2. Dogs or Cats? Dogs.
3. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook!
4. Reality Show or TV Drama? Reality show.
5. UK or Abroad? Abroad!
6. Hockey or Netball? Netball.
7. Football or Rugby? Football.
8. Fan of Kate Middleton or Cheryl Cole? Cheryl Cole.
9. Book or Film? Both!
10. 'Harry Potter' or 'Lord of the Rings'? Harry Potter.
11. Home-cooking or Takeaway? Home-cooking.
12. Classical music or Modern music? Modern.

Katie then continued the interview with a few broader questions.

Where did you go to school?
Kirkby Stephen Grammar School in Cumbria.

What was the most important or useful thing you learnt there?
That underwater Hockey actually is a sport!

Where did you go to university?
I went to the Lancaster campus of the University of Cumbria.

Please tell us briefly about your role at Bablake?
I teach Physical Education and Games across all years.

Will you be involved with any extra-curricular activities?
I coach the U12 Netball and U16 Hockey teams, while also assisting with U15 Netball.

Now tell us one interesting thing about yourself.
I am currently learning to DJ and make my own ‘house’ tracks.

And finally do you have any hidden talents, a party piece maybe…?
I would like to have said magic, however following myself and Miss Crosdale's attempts at a display of magic at the Staff Christmas dinner, I think I may need to work on something new!

Since being interviewed of course, Miss Moseley has been appointed Head of Girls' PE to cover Mrs Suzanne Webley's maternity leave.

We thank Katie for conducting her series of interviews. We will now be looking for a small team of eager reporters from the new L6th to interview members of staff who will be joining Bablake in September. To register interest, please email our webmaster.

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